
i was there || survive

show: survive with majeure

location: empty bottle

date: 11.6.16

favorite song: this was not a show i knew song names to + that is okay

memorable moment: the opening act had some kind words to say about these guys + even called out that although it may not seem like it to those in the crowd, what they do on stage is very complex + impressive. i thought that head nod was pretty cool

biggest letdown: let me preface by saying that this show occurred the sunday after daylight saving. so although i got an "extra" hour of sleep the night before, i really just woke up an hour earlier + stayed out later. the opening act probably went on around 10:30pm. he was really cool but incredibly loud. and i'm not saying that in a pussy way. it was painfully loud. i longed for my earplugs + questioned whether or not i should step into the other room like so many people in the crowd were. he turned it down slightly after the first couple of minutes, but ouch! after him, it took about another 30-45 minutes for survive to go on + by that point i was just beat. i probably only stayed for about half of the show, but would have loved to have seen the whole thing

this show: was pretty much what i expected -- very weird but in the best way ever. i love synths + especially love the nostalgia that survive's music evokes. the fact that survive is one of the first ever synth bands is also super cool to me


  1. Thanks for sharing the story. It is good to read about musical shows but this one was different and the way you have described is funny.

  2. I missed it, was busy in some personal stuff at home, hope I can make it next time. Thank you for sharing your experience with us
