
dude decor

There have been a few occasions where guys have asked me for my help with decorating their homes. I feel pretty confident that I have good taste + that my apartment is put together well but I have never really thought about decorating a more masculine space. My home isn't overly girly but what are the alternatives when you are not decorating with fur + vases full of flowers? I was a bit stumped but turned to my trusty sources for some inspiration that would make any man feel at home.

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Tips On Decorating Like A Man

1. Use Masculine Materials. Think metal, wood, leather, plaid, + concrete

2. Keep the Colors Neutral. Use a mix of black + white as well as colors that sway on the dark side

3. Showcase Your Hobbies. Whether its sports, travel, or music we want to know what you enjoy. Display what you like to do in your free time with photos, books, + knick knacks

4. Increase Your Chances of Getting Laid. At the very least you should always have extra toilet paper, clean towels, throw blankets (because chicks are always cold), + sheets, blankets, + extra pillows on your bed. Bonus points if you have plants, family photos, + mirrors.

Manly Starter Items
(That chicks like too)
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Where To Shop

Unlike me, you probably aren't willing to spend much money on decor. A few places to get started are: Ikea (for good linens), Roy's furniture, CB2, Craigslist (wood/metal items only. Fabric items are too creepy), Etsy (for unique items you can't get anywhere else).

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