
i was there : jacques greene

Show: Jacques Greene

Location: Smart Bar

Date: 2.1.13

Favorite Song: I went a bit nuts when I heard Tiga's "Plush." It was so unexpected, yet so perfect.

Memorable Moment: Between his pre-show tweets + energy on stage, you could just tell that Greene was really psyched to be in Chicago for his first show. That excitement doesn't go unnoticed with fans + really made the show that much more worthwhile.

Biggest Letdown: I usually don't let the people around me at shows influence my experience, but there were a couple guys in the crowd that were beyond creepy the entire show. Like to the point where I was really, really disturbed + disgusted.

This Show: I've heard enough mixes on Soundcloud to know that nothing could keep me away from this show, not even a snowstorm. I'm so glad I got to finally see Greene + in such a perfect venue to boot.

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