


As mentioned in my last post, I have a little notebook filled with recipes. Unfortunately, many of these recipes have gone untested. I can't say that I am a great chef, but I do really love cooking whenever I get the chance. My schedule is pretty busy with work, then the gym most days, so I typically don't even eat until 8 or 9 pm. Plus, I live alone so that makes me feel like it's sometimes stupid to put so much effort into a meal that only I will be able to enjoy.

But it's not stupid. I love food and I love building things with my hands, so cooking is the perfect hobby for me. I also hope to one day be a wife and mother and typically that means that I'll be spending a decent amount of time in the kitchen in the future -- which is great. I want what I prepare to be great and that will require practice. I'm hoping I can make it a point to test out at least one new recipe a week and leave my comfort zone of side dishes and desserts.

I am going to a cooking class at the end of the month that I'm super excited about and hopefully it will encourage me to try new things. I also am still itching to buy The Pleasures of Cooking for One by Judith Jones to get me off to a good start.

(mixer print via LuckyBluebirdArt)
This weeks theme is the seven personal goals I want to accomplish.

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