

I come from a family of truly amazing gardeners. I'm sure it goes back generations + generations, but for me it all starts with my grandmother -- the famers wife responsible for that monster of vegetable garden little, adorable me is "standing" in. She's also the one responsible for passing down her skills to my mother. 
My mom is a bit more of a houseplant lover + somehow managed to make our midwestern home feel like it was smack dab in the middle of a jungle. She's even recently stopped decorating a traditional Christmas tree because we have a massive house plant that does the job just fine. I actually prefer it.
Then there's my brother. He's been into this whole gardening thing his whole life + takes it quite seriously. He's also the only Chicagoan I know that has built his own garden on an apartment rooftop + now years later has his own little plot of land right smack dab in Wicker Park where he grows vegetables + herbs. The worst thing I've ever done was tell him after his two week honeymoon in Greece that his spare key didn't work + I wasn't able to water his plants as requested.*
I've dabbled a little in gardening here + there + even have two houseplants that I've managed to keep alive for 3-4 years. Sadly, many other green soldiers have been lost along the way.
Over the past couple of years I've been treating myself to a record or so a month in order to help grow my collection. At this point, it's actually getting quite solid. I'd like to do something similar over the next couple of month with plants. I have the space + I get quite good sunlight in my apartment + really I just think they make a room look so much better, as you've seen scattered throughout this post.
My goal for this weekend is to do a little research to find the right plants for me. Obviously I'm no green thumb at this point, but I'd really love to one day get there like my grandmother, mom, + brother.

*We'll just call that payback for the time he crashed + totaled my Jeep two weeks after my sixteenth birthday.

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