
a look back at 2011

This is when I rub it in your face how awesome my life is. Enjoy!

Most Kick-Ass Concerts:
Favorite Acquisitions:
My indian princess print. A few big furniture purchases to make my apartment more "me." Every ticket stub to go in my scrapbook that I will one day make. Giorgio Armani sunglasses (compliments of Google). iPhone 4S.

Biggest Accomplishments:
Completing the Spartan Race. Feeling like I've learned a lot professionally in the past year. Holding my own in my first year of Fantasy Football (never under estimate Team Powderpuff). Reading books. Lots of them. And in short time frames. Hosting my first Thanksgiving. Some how turning into the Martha Stewart of costume making.

Best Views:
I made my first trip to Miami, which I really enjoyed. I would love to go back under different circumstances. A nice family vacation in Saugatauk, Michigan. Nothing can beat my upcoming week in Costa Rica though.

Yummiest Food:
Living a block away from La Pasadita is dangerous.

Most Frightening Moment:
THUNDERSNOW! Every moment of the World Series. And maybe waking up the day after the Spartan Race. Ouch.

Greatest Moment of 2011:
I joked about this last year, but not it finally came true -- Cardinals won the World Series!

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