
eurotrip : spain

Now off to España...
I already had my little tangent about dub-step so I'll keep this brief -- "Spanish Sahara" is a perfect example of how dub-step took a song from zero to 100. Sorry Foals, but it's true & you know it.

I could totally get lost in this song while lying in a hammock on the beaches of Ibiza :)

Download the cool version of this song HERE.

(photo via)

1 comment:

  1. So many people have been contradicting my Foals comment today! I don't mean to rip on the band because I've never really listened to anything other than "Spanish Sahara." I was probably a little rough about the song, I just REALLY love the Bar 9 version.

    Here are some people that want to beat me up:
    - http://www.aheartisaspade.com/2010/12/01/a-heart-is-a-spades-top-albums-of-2010/
    - http://www.nme.com/ratemy/198127/best-tracks-of-2010/item/198626
